Обновление дизайна cybertag-конфигуратора

Improvements to Cybertag configurator design

Обновление дизайна cybertag-конфигуратора

The design of CYBERTAG game blasters and vests has been appreciated by everyone who participated in an indoor laser tag game at least once. The company software is notable both for its excellent design and for its equipment.

We have improved the interface of the CYBERTAG configurator by focusing on convenience and performance of its elements. A finished look, merged style, and inproved animated menu buttons have been added to the usual design.

The main purpose of the new design development was to ensure that the enhancement of the layout is not confusing for the user. Each program version is followed by design augmentation, that is why variations of design leave our clients satisfied. Yet if you compare the latest version of the configurator with the original one you will see a big difference.

The design of the players’ windows has been altered. When the vest is added on the list, the charge level is displayed instead of the markers of death and health. Using the displayed pictograms stops the players from being disoriented by the parameters.

Equipment replacement feature has been added. Should it happen that one of the vests stops functioning during the game, it will be replaced by a spare play set, while the statistic data will be kept intact. Laser tag battleships participants will not have to leave the game, for the vest can now be replaced in a flash.

The main menu with the list of the players has now become responsive. It now takes the whole space of the program interface, irrespective of the number of teams. The interactive game base can be added here too, its settings displayed in a separate window.

The animated elements have been perfected. The drop down menus are not abrupt, the progress bar grows steadily. The colour range of buttons and windows has been changed, the layout of the general parameters, the time menu have all been improved. All the information is structured, the key points are separated from one another.

On the whole, the design has become a lot more agreeable and user-friendly. All the elements are united by the chosen style, which is why all the program windows are viewed as a whole. No doubt, the new configurator layout will make a great addition to the futuristically designed CYBERTAG play sets. Close attention to detail is the advantage of our company specialists. For we know that in indoor laser tag every detail matters.

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