Фискальная статистика cybertag

Cybertag fiscal statistics

Фискальная статистика cybertag

In six months the CYBERTAG Configurator has acquired 10 additional scenarios. The design elements of the program have been reworked; the stability has been increased. The software works perfectly even on weak PCs. The configurator is very easy and convenient to use.

The next update focuses on technical details. From the software point we have implemented a user system, added statistics collection. Let us find out what the essence of modernization is and how updates will affect the further course of development of the configurator.


The owners and administrators have always asked about implementing this feature. We needed a tool to control access to the software, prevent accidental changes of settings.

The user must now be selected when the configurator is turned on. By default, the software has an administrator profile that cannot be deleted. New users can be created on a special page. For each account, you should set a name, login parameter, and select an avatar. In addition, user rights are defined. By ticking the necessary options, you can allow editing scripts, setting up game sets and removing profiles from the system.

Arena owners will decide for themselves which settings are available for editing, changing and which settings should be banned.

In general, we have come to a clear system of user delimitation. Full access is available only to the responsible person, who determines the policy for others.


A feature of stats collection has been added to the program. The configurator remembers the on and off times and stores information when the user enters and leaves the program. The software collects data about each running game, remembers which vests were added to the game, which were replaced. It also remembers the start and end time of the game battle.

A price entry field has been added to the main page with scenarios. You can set the price manually, regardless of the fight duration. Arena accounting will now be automated and available for analysis.

The configurator is already collecting a lot of data. We will implement a visual display of information in the next update. The statistics will be presented in charts and tables. The user will be able to make a sample by periods and see only the required period of time.

We provide a tool that will help all managers and arena owners. Data on games, time, vests, money are concentrated in one place. The administrators used to write everything down to notebooks. Now the same info is displayed on the screen. No mistakes, no cheating. CYBERTAG software will do the job. All you have to do is set up users and analyze the data you receive.


Fiscal statistics is a huge step in the development of Russian arena systems. We systematically increase the equipment functionality and technical capabilities, supporting all this with beautiful design, convenience, marketing materials and loyal price. The work of engineers, programmers, designers – everything can be put in just one word. CYBERTAG. Arena system No.1 in Russia.

Write to us, if you have any suggestions or comments: info@laserwar.ru

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